Tuesday, February 22, 2011

JOKE OF THE DAY (National Civility Institute)

Since I guess there really are no limits to the depths of nitwittery in the academy, the University of Arizona's plans to establish a "civility institute" in the wake of the Giffords shooting comes as no big surprise. The big question is whether students in the program would be able to take internships in Madison Wisconsin or other hot-beds of dependent-class revolt? Surely there are some teaching moments to be had there right down to UW medical personnel writing sick leave slips for the fat-ass libtards. Get back to work moonbats! Or on second thought, perhaps the fact that they are off the job may actually benefit the children of Wisconsin?

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

More Looney Lines from Holdren

More tidbits from the moonbat John Holdren courtesy of Hauntingthelibrary:

"Finally, less energy can mean more employment. The energy producing industries comprise the most capital intensive and least labour intensive major sector of the economy. Accordingly, each dollar of investment capital taken out of energy production and invested in something else, and each personal consumption dollar saved by reduced energy use and spent elsewhere in the economy will create more jobs than are lost."

Excerpted from an essay that appeared in The Windsor Star of August 1975 under the title Too Much Energy, Too Soon, A Hazard by John Holdren.

Don't forget, this guy is being paid with your tax dollars.